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Alyssa Trawkina Alyssa Trawkina is a Ukrainian-born director and cinematographer based in New York. Her work exhibits a conceptual approach for creating sensual audio-visual atmospheres. Fusing her former accolades as a media technologist, digital strategist, and art director with a passion for expressing music through moving image, Trawkina curates narratives with visual intentionality and humor. [...]
On the cover: Jak Corrie and Dan Boie Kratfeldt The Neolith is a new kind of short film. It expands the boundaries and definitions of how a "short film" is typically identified. This kind of approach was his intention from the beginning, says Daniel Boocock, writer and director of "The Neolith": «I wanted to make [...]
He started in the film business at the age of 14 and has gone through all stages of production to really find out what filmmaking is all about. After working as an assistant director, editor, and then as an established visual effects supervisor, Diogo Gameiro realized that he really wanted to tell stories. Today Diogo [...]
Morgan Gruer comes from an art and design background and is a multidisciplinary Director and Creative Director who divides her time between New York and Los Angeles. Her films, animations and illustrations have been featured in publications such as Rolling Stone, The New York Times, Refinery29, Vimeo, Billboard, Variety Magazine, The Creator's Project and VICE.In [...]
They mainly produce commercials, event videos and advise customers when it comes to digital marketing. Now the guys from Impuls Film have ventured into a new genre: music videos. The first one was for the band MONTI and we love it! We like it so much that we included it in our online collection. Also [...]
Your latest short «Miss Nothing» had a total budget under $400 AUD. What experiences did you have to shoot with such a small budget? Richard: We’ve made many short films over the years. When I graduated from film school, some of the final year films cost north of $16,000AUD. I always felt like spending that [...]
How did you first come into contact with Sarah Mary Chadwick's music? My dear friend, artist & musician Georgia Kirtland, turned me on to Sarah’s record The Queen Who Stole The Sky. The first time I put it on I felt exposed, as if someone had tapped into my inner monologue, made it beautiful and [...]
How did you first come into contact with the film world, when did you become interested in filming? I fell into it from my music career. Every time we made music videos I had a strong vision of how I wanted it to look and feel so I would give my suggestions to the company [...]
Why did you attribute yourself to filming? Why don't you have a normal job like bus driver or bank employee? I studied computing science engineering in university. While I was studying, I started making films as a hobby. The more I got into film, the more I loved it. And then there was no going [...]