Posts Tagged
‘short film’

On the cover: Jak Corrie and Dan Boie Kratfeldt The Neolith is a new kind of short film. It expands the boundaries and definitions of how a "short film" is typically identified. This kind of approach was his intention from the beginning, says Daniel Boocock, writer and director of "The Neolith": «I wanted to make [...]
He started in the film business at the age of 14 and has gone through all stages of production to really find out what filmmaking is all about. After working as an assistant director, editor, and then as an established visual effects supervisor, Diogo Gameiro realized that he really wanted to tell stories. Today Diogo [...]
He comes from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and makes animated short films all by himself. His animations show dark themes and reveal a dark cyberpunk future. Michael Coutto has released his first short film "NEUROSi5" in 2018. Two years later his second short film "Momento" was released: A short film about the concept of reality [...]
What is it like to live in a city with such a high population density as Mumbai? It is sometimes confusing, exhausting and euphoric to be in a city with bustling energy of so many people. Bombay is like a lover you want to hate but it is so charming that you cannot. No matter [...]
You are Italian, you are studying at a film school in England and your film UB-13 is in German. You seem to like the linguistic challenge? Making a film in German without speaking the language was definitely a linguistic challenge, but it seemed to me like the best way to go for the film. It [...]