
A woman exacts a plot to take revenge on a nefarious organization.

Credits / Collaborators / Cast

Jason Abrams: Writer, Director, Producer, Editor, Composer.
Irina Gorovaia: Producer
Cast: Emily Morden, Seth Allyn Austin, Walter Gray IV, Giovanna Andolina

The story behind the film

The film explores the morality of righting wrongs with wrongs.

After making a feature for 5 years I wanted to make something purely my own without needing permission from anyone. I shot the film for $150 on the iphone 14 pro and challenged myself to do almost every creative technical job on my own. I wrote, directed, produced, scored, production designed, shot, colored, sound designed, and edited every frame myself. It was a labor of love. Luckily I have a lot of talented actors in my life who gave this wacky world life with their performances. This film made me love directing again.


Genre: Thriller
Country: USA
Language: English
Length in minutes: 6
YEAR: 2024