RedSin: Martyrs of Dissent

A barber’s squad mates from the Gulf War are being assassinated by a shadowy group called “RedSin”, so the CIA track him down. But while they want to kill their leader – Nathan McKane – his brother wants to reconcile before it’s too late.

Credits / Collaborators / Cast

Bill Weeden – Gregg Schulls
Jay Welch – Jenson Mckane
Leonidas Giannopoulos – Nathan McKane Jr.
Haneen Arafat Murphy – Olivia McKane
Sherman Alpert – Nathan McKane Sr.
Patrick Heraghty – Patrick Burns
Richard Brundage – Leon
Alex Galper – Yegor Danko
Amanda Schussel – Claire
Owen Hu – Owen
Gary N. Mattis – Jacob Lewis
Keith Karon – James Nissenbaum
Gregg Rizzo – Old Jenson McKane

The story behind the film

Back in 2021, we released “RedSin”, our proof-of-concept short film that ended on a cliffhanger. We shot it during the back end of 2019, and during the year-long hiatus after its release, pre-production for the rest of the story took place.

We took the time to rest, get feedback, scout perfect locations, buy interesting props for the action scenes, and write a perfect draft that was curated for a low-budget but creative action thriller that was easy on the eyes, featured strong acting and choreography, and had a meaningful story and message. We spent the long winters choreographing and pre-vis-ing the action scenes indoors.

From Spring 2022 onwards, we consistently rehearsed and shot scenes until the wrap at the end of September of 2023. It took place just a day after the hardest rainstorm to ever hit new York City flooded major parts of it. There is footage of public buses sinking from water literally bursting inside them with passengers inside, forcing evacuations and overnight work from laborers. Massive respect and gratitude to them. The city was misty, but perfect for the shoot of our climax. All rain in the film was real.

We had no idea it would reach a 49-minute running time, but we feel it’s a digestible and substantial amount of time. We finally got to pay tribute to an actor-friend who passed away during the production of the first film. His name was Gregg Rizzo, and he appears in the final shots of this film. His passing taught us the lesson we promoted in this very scene, so, we hope his final posthumous appearance does him justice. We feel it did, which is why the completion of this film feels like closure was fulfilled instead of just another film being finished.

We hope you enjoy it.


Genre: Action
Country: USA
Language: English
Length in minutes: 49
YEAR: 2024

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