All The Time In The World

“All The Time In The World” follows Elaina, a 25-year-old who has returned to her hometown for the summer to scrape up some cash babysitting a young girl named Lucy. While spending the day at the beach, Elaina’s mind is elsewhere as Lucy entertains herself by collecting shells and playing with an old doll.

A call from Elaina’s gynecologist interrupts their beach day and forces Elaina to envision her future in a new light. Will Elaina be able to be a mother when she’s older? She’s no longer sure, and her future is even more impossible to see than before. But what she can see is Lucy, youthful and full of energy, still eager to spend all day playing with Elaina at the beach.

Credits / Collaborators / Cast

Elaina: Raina Soman
Lucy: Katie Angell

Written and Directed by Nuala Sanchez
Executive Producers: Nuala Sanchez, Mary Trunk, Paul Sanchez
Director of Photography: Irmak Akgur
Line Producer: Elisabeth Viel
Assistant Director: Lauren Koo
1st Assistant Camera: Carsten Nahum
Sound Mixer: Luis Diaz
Art Direction: Anike Sonuga
Edited by Nuala Sanchez
Special FX Makeup: Irmak Akgur
Colorist: Irmak Akgur
Music: Dylan Henner

The story behind the film

Three years ago, I realized I had stopped getting my period for a couple months. Two months turned into twelve as I visited several different doctors and took pregnancy tests, blood tests, and sonograms. And the whole time, the looming question over my head was, “Will I ever be able to have children?”

Elaina’s story is personal to me and many other young women who have difficulties with fertility and are asking themselves the same question. By making this film, I want to shed light on an issue I was afraid to talk about for so long. Afraid to even think about at such a young age when I thought I had all the time in the world.


Genre: Drama
Country: USA
Language: English
Length in minutes: 9
YEAR: 2024