Under The Surface

During the 2022 World Championships, Anita Alvarez made headlines after her coach jumped in to rescue her when she lost consciousness in the pool at the end of her solo free routine. Joy during the performance and competition later turned to sadness and the associated fear of getting back into the pool. Learning to trust her instincts, the water and the process were necessary to return to her creative expression. In Under The Surface, Anita explores these four emotions and their place in her journey in a new way.

Credits / Collaborators / Cast

Featuring Anita Alvarez @anitaalvarez

Director: Ilanna Barkusky
Director of Photography: Jacqueline Lehr
1st AC: Cynthia Hatfield
Editor: Whitney Weir
Colorist: Elodie Ichter / The Mill
Sound Design: Matt Tipold
Composer: Donny Dykowsky


Genre: Experimental
Country: USA
Language: English
Length in minutes: 1
YEAR: 2023