Roaring Whispers

“Roaring Whispers” encapsulates the essence of the Xavier’s journey, highlighting his childhood fascination with art as a form of magic and his desire to emulate his father’s artistic talents. It also touches upon the artist’s growth and the challenges of expressing his inner childlike creativity in a world that demands maturity and restraint. Moreover, it touches the transformative power of art, inviting viewers to explore the artist’s realm of imagination and experience the enchantment woven into his creations.

“Roaring whispers” juxtaposes two contrasting elements. “Roaring” typically implies a loud and powerful sound, often associated with strength and assertiveness. On the other hand, “whispers” suggest soft, hushed voices or subtle communication. In the context of the artist’s story, “roaring whispers” represents the artist’s inner voice, his passionate and intense emotions, desires, and creative expressions that are confined or muted in his adult world. It reflects his longing to express himself freely and boldly, similar to the unrestrained and uninhibited nature of a child’s scream.
This Short also summarizes the artist’s struggle to reconcile his inner creative fire with the societal expectations and limitations placed upon him as an adult.

Credits / Collaborators / Cast

Director/dp: Quenne N Eric
Artist/Painter: Xavier Alvarado

Artist Statement

Xavier Alvarado:

Trash your treasures, and I will find them and make them a(new). Creating with less is something I’m all too familiar with. Having to ask or thrift and even dumpster dive for materials. I’ve been creating mix media art with unorthodox materials and tools ever since I can remember. Art that creates new ideas like the sling shot harnessed in the story of David and Goliath. Unable to afford art supplies at times, a mentor, or a prestigious art school, I’ve molded myself into a self-taught artist. Learning the fundamentals through experience, working with crayons, chalk, pastels, Acrylics and markers that call back to our inner child. When we built sandcastles for fun. I pull early inspiration from my father who was an Artist himself. I have picked up the torch, Pruning everyday materials and lessons into my work. Ones such as philosophy, perspective, and inspiration to create masterpieces. I feature large-scale live paintings commissioned by local agencies and events, small exhibitions and personal commissions. My work draws your eyes in, then asks you to think about what you value and why, what we, as a people, value and believe in. Reminding us of how rich we are in other resources than money. My Art and style is the example of what we can create with the tools we have been given and found along the way.


Genre: Documentary
Country: USA
Language: English
Length in minutes: 4:00
YEAR: 2023