Ninety Seconds
A young child has gone missing at a local fun fair in the city centre of Belfast. A week after the disappearance Detective O’Connor is assigned to the case, tasked with the investigation and disappearance of the missing ten-year-old girl. As the months weigh in O’Connor finds himself dealing with more than just the case at hand, from the media capitalising upon the disappearance of the child, to a father becoming a frustrating factor throughout the journey of the investigation, all unforeseen events that have been carefully and strategically orchestrated to lead to a far sinister conclusion.
Time and pressure perches upon the shoulders of Detective O’Connor, visiting an old adversary O’Connor confronts and reminisces his time on the case and the emotional impact that had sparked and challenged his own inner demons and faith. Two men, one room, one case, one conclusion, a far greater ordeal than either man could have imagined.
Credits / Collaborators / Cast
Writer, Director, Producer and Editor: Kevin J. Mc Corry
Director of Photography: Ben Robinson
Cinematographer: Conrad Stevenson
1st Assistant Director: Adam Neeson
Camera Trainee: Ruaidhri Owens-fennell
Runner: Stephen Parker
Runner: Natasha O’Neill
Sound Recordist: Alex O’Brien
Sound Recordist: Andy McDonagh
Sound Recordist: Graeme Denny
Gaffer: Eoghan Hands
Make-up Artist: Debbie McKibbin
Colourist: Ben Robinson & Kevin J. Mc Corry
Detective O’Connor: Gerry Grimes
Robert Gallagher: Timothy Fergusson
Prison Guard: Corey Millar
News Report: Sharon Duffy

The story behind the film
The concept of Ninety Seconds originated in May 2019, the previous films that I have created were on the meter of zero budget, allowing me over those years to both develop, experience and shape my craft as a filmmaker and screenwriter. I personally knew if I wanted to progress my career and skill set as a filmmaker and screenwriter even further, I had to raise the level of my quality both creatively and financially speaking.
I worked on the script of Ninety Seconds for over six months, slowly and surely structuring the narrative of Ninety Seconds a specific way so that it could be executed to its highest level of potential and to stand out to the viewing audience, as I knew if I was going to have a story take place in one location it was crucial to the narrative that the characters and overall context was engaging from beginning, middle and end.

Ninety Seconds started production on 17th September 2020, with a cast & crew of sixteen people, this newly independent project was entirely selffunded by myself, as I knew if I wanted my work to be created and taken seriously I had to show sheer passion and dedication to the product, both creatively and financially. Ninety Seconds is a short narrative drama taking place in one single location, following in the footsteps of emotion and the drive of context, showing two sides to a single coin and how one event can convert a single person down a dark sinister path, a realistic nature that has challenges us all on a personal level or more, a realism idea, using the power of context to tell a sinister story that has contorted two men in the most sinister of ways both physically and mentally, one room converted into a far greater ordeal.
Ninety Seconds finds itself building of atmosphere and storytelling, two men in a single room with history that has woven them both in darkness, the realistic nature of desperation twisting and manipulating the mind to commit the most irrational acts. Production consisted of a one-day shoot, with staggered pick up shoots through due to the on-going pandemic at that time (2020), using multicamera filmmaking techniques to capture the scene, allowing emotions and the atmospheric build up to be fleshed out more naturally and creatively.

Ninety Seconds is a simple story and structure with potential both visually and verbally, the power of atmosphere, context and acting were all crucial aspects of executing Ninety Seconds to its highest level of potential. It is through the power of storytelling that the audience will see a far greater and darker history that has challenged two men and through this will show the emotional state that separates the two characters and their personal and emotional arcs. One room, one case that goes far beyond what the two characters could ever have imagined, a realistic approach and nature when balancing on the fine line between good and evil.

Genre: Drama
Country: Northern Ireland
Language: English
Length in minutes: 17 minutes
YEAR: 2020