
Making her way as an outcast, a young woman’s journey is harshly interrupted.

Credits / Collaborators / Cast

Lauren Levi
Stephen Miller

Written and Directed by
Andrew Q Holzschuh

Director of Photography
Michael Kelley

Assistant Director: Caleb Palmer
Camera Assist: Ryan Ewart
Grip: Talaka paw
Grip: Zach Dearing
Hair: Abby Bagby

Special thanks:
Ricky Hollon
Desmond Crisp
Keller’s Hamburgers
In Fair Verona

The Making Of

The story behind the film

The use of water as a metaphor in movies has captivated me for as long as I’ve been trying to make my own movies. When you stop and really think about it, the fact that water falls from the sky, is truly awe-inspiring. For this film I wanted to use water as a metaphor, in the form of rain.
And I couldn’t have made that happen without an incredible group of collaborators.
Thank you for watching our film and I hope a meaningful experience finds you in it.


Genre: Drama
Country: USA
Language: English
Length in minutes: 5:40
YEAR: 2022