It is often very challenging for teenagers to talk about their experiences and seek support.
Asking for help or simply opening up and talking about what you’re going through is a sign of weakness. This stigma has to go.
Credits / Collaborators / Cast
Charlotte Mounter // @cmounter
Nick Bartlett
Written, Directed & Edited
by Yury Vorobev // @snopaz
Cinematography by Sean Mackey // @seankdm
Produced by Finbar Somers // @finbar.somers
Vlad Paul Ghilas // @vlad.ghilas
Ekaterina Speranskaya
First AD Emerson Magrinelli // @girailmondo10
First AC Joe Anthony Luk // @joeanthonyluk
Music by Rory Laws Laws // @lawsy_33
SFX & Mixing by Dmitry Babkin // @dbravebob
Sound by Jimmy Lobe // @jimmy_lobe_sound
VO recording by Neil Sullivan // @mymixmaster
Colour by Nikolay Vavilov // @nick.vavilov
Makeup by Kailey Walker // @kaileys_makeup
Gaffering by Finbar Somers & Emerson Magrinelli
Cleanup by Nazryn Fauzi & Nagendra Moond
Set Design by Daniil Vorobev, Danil Lysenko // @danlysenko
VO artist Nick Denton // @nickdentonva
Special thanks to NIGEL HOLE for Car Renting Services // @nigel_h
The story behind the film
It is often very challenging for teenagers to talk about their experiences and seek support.
Asking for help or simply opening up and talking about what you’re going through is a sign of weakness. This stigma has to go.
Neither best mates nor the most caring mum can see anything wrong, they don’t notice a damn, single thing wrong. Scary.
These young men struggle terribly, assuming that they’re a burden to us. They leave without any warning, suddenly and unexpectedly.
It is a trap and they spiral. They draw a line just like that.
No goodbyes.
They leave us thinking that we could have done more.
We think that if we’d had just only one different word to them –
there would have been a different outcome. We blame ourselves. We’re trapped.
Sometimes we get angry with them because we wish they could see what happens to us afterwards.
We wish they could see how the past becomes our forever present.
Genre: Drama
Country: United Kingdom
Language: English
Length in minutes: 5 minutes
YEAR: 2021