a piece of advice

After making a mistake and choosing to keep a low profile, an anonymous man explains his past behavior and gives some crucial advice only to realize he’s messed up again.

Credits / Collaborators / Cast

anonymous man: Leif Plath
voice of the anonymous man: Jimmy Lee

written, shot & directed by Konstantin Enste
set-assistant: Florian Kluck

The story behind the film

Sometimes while writing, I ask myself, ‘What’s the dumbest thing that could happen right now?’ These ideas are often the ones I end up liking like the most. I enjoy
pairing foolishness with a bittersweet outcome.

I filmed the short almost exactly 3 years ago but never completed it due to work and other pressing projects.

Nonetheless, it always held a special place in my heart, especially due to its minimalistic nature. I eventually completed post-production when I needed a break
from a different project.

Funny enough, I really wanted to shoot a short with my new fancy-crystal-clear-6K camera back then – but ended up putting the footage through the VHS-Filter meat grinder, as it felt like a more fitting choice.


Genre: Comedy
Country: Germany
Language: English
Length in minutes: 02:16
YEAR: 2023