
A short film set in a German WWI submarine. Following the misjudgment of its ambitious young captain, a WWI U-boat is forced to wait for a prolonged period on the bottom of the North Sea, facing the threat of enemy torpedo ships. This will cause unprecedented physical and mental challenges for the captain and the whole crew.

Credits / Collaborators / Cast

Oberleutnant zur See Arthur Metz: Dan Anderson
Steuermann Johannes Nierlich: Atilla Akinci
Obermatrose Frits Thomas: Michael Wagner
Matrose Hermann Wolff: Simon Stache
MarIngAsp Artur Breidenbend: Paul Vitty
Bootsmann Daniel Siebert: Josh Leese

Writer and Director: Juri Ferri
Producer: Tito Téllez
Director of Photography: Tom Hudson
Camera Operator: Emma Catalfamo
Production Designer: Andrea Vigoni
Hair and Make-Up Designer: Alice Jones
Music: Enrico Ferri
Editor: Ksenia Kravchenko

Director's statement

«I wanted to explore the human experience of being blocked in such a constrained space.»

While submarine warfare is not the most widely acknowledged battlefield in WWI narratives, especially in films and literature, it was in fact one of most dangerous and deadliest sides of the war. This prompted me to read more about the German U-boats operating in the North Sea, in which the crew would live for weeks in small, unventilated compartments, and every dive beneath the surface would put their lives on the line. This is what inspired UB-13: I wanted to explore the human experience of being blocked in such a constrained space, with no chance to escape, and, in particular, how a similar situation affects the relationships between the crew members and their leaders.

UB-13 was shot in B&W 35mm film on a purposely built set. Made entirely by students at the London Film School.


Genre: Historical / War / Drama
Country: United Kingdom
Language: German
Length in minutes: 13
YEAR: 2018