Sweet Street

Sweet Street follows the life of Isabella, a sex worker in the north of England. We explore the mind and day to day life of a woman working in the “managed zone” and how working on the Sweet Street there is no real happy ending.

Credits / Collaborators / Cast

Director – Coz Greenop
Producer – Glen Kirby
DOP – Gary Long
Stars – Ariadna Cabrol, Philip Hill-Pearson

Sweet Street

In 2014, Leeds City Council in collaboration with the West Yorkshire Police set up a managed legal Red Light District in the heart of the city in order to protect the safety of women working there.

The opposite effect has occurred however, with the number of rapes and murders in that area going up. Myself being a Leeds local,  I was drawn to the stories of the women working in this area and I wanted to carefully create a short film that reflects on the depth and breadth of the sex worker experience.


Genre: Drama
Country: United Kingdom
Language: English
Length in minutes: 15
YEAR: 2020