
A dark tale of life for a young gypsy, traveller family, as they head out into the English countryside, leaving their past behind them. Told from a young Mother’s perspective as she struggles to make ends meet, and keep her family together, Snare is a tale of revenge and morality within the harshest of environments… Family.

Credits / Collaborators / Cast

Winner ‘Director’s Choice Awards’ IndieFliks Film Festival
Official Selection – London Short Film Festival
Official Selection – Ozark Shorts
Official Selection – ASFF

Directed by Daniel Deville
Written by Ambrosine Davies
Produced by Rory Mathieson
PA – Harry Starkey-Midha
Edited by Mike Pike
Score by Jered Sorkin
DOP Arthur Mulhern

A Top Woman Films // Unit9 Films production.


Genre: Thriller / Drama
Country: United Kingdom
Language: English
Length in minutes: 24.09
YEAR: 2016