La Fuga dei Cervelli
“Look at nature and see if you can look at it without your analytical mind coming into play. For example, you look at a tree and you think, “Wow, what a beautiful tree,” and it touches you in that moment. You become silent. There is a moment when your mind is gone. You feel the wonder of the beauty you are witnessing. In that moment, there is a pause. Then the mind begins to wonder, “I wonder what kind of tree this is… Is that an oak tree?” and suddenly the communion you had with the tree disappears because you have started to define it. You’ve removed the magic that you felt in the moment. You don’t feel the “tree” aspect anymore, you just see an “oak”. You see a word more than you see the tree.
The term “brain drain” is an expression that designates a gradual depletion or flight of youth by emigration to a more favorable place according to its qualities. We decided to use this expression not only in its geographic meaning, but to apply it to a self-transformative interpretation. How can we free ourselves from social constructs, history, identification? How can we drain our labels and find wonder in who we are?
Here is La Fuga.
Here is a quest for sensation.
Here is the connection between our feet and the ground.
Here is the voyage away from our names and towards our nature.
An effort to return to the essence of things.
An effort to feel interconnectedness.
An effort to feel a tree.
Letting go of the labels that define us.
Letting go into each other.”
Credits / Collaborators / Cast
Directed by Mathieu Mondoulet & Thibaut Eiferman @mathieumondoulet & @thibauteiferman
Choregrapher : Thibaut Eiferman @thibauteiferman
Dancers: Chiara Corbetta & Thibaut Eiferman @thibauteiferman & @chiaracorbetta
Produced by Compagnie Entity
Director of photography: Mathieu Mondoulet @mathieumondoulet
Edited by Florian Ronget @flolov187
Camera Assistant: Yousef Harrous
Gaffer: Benjamin Hudelot @benjamin_hdlt
Best Girl: Lauriane Pataud @akyssye
Set Designer: Margaux Berger @margauxberger
Set Decorator: Julia Del Mar Fimat @ruliadelmar
Colorist: Pierre Sudre (SHADE)
Visual Effects: Alfredo Bonomo @alfredo_bnmo
Graphic Artist: Djelissa Latini @djelissalatini
Styling : Marylin Perrod @marymadelene
Original Score Variéras « Acrobat » – Spécial Edit // Kowtowrecords @yesthatsvarieras @kowtowrecords
Special Thanks
Alain Rappoport, Aurélie Cardoso, Planipresse, Charles Freville (SHADE), Sarah
Talpaert, Transpalux, Transpagrip, Judith Haussling « Les Grandes Serres »,
Datis Balaï Langroodi, Ema Soupa / Cutaway, Astrid Mezmorian, Louis Kerveillant, Datis
Balaï Langroodi, Damien Blottière
Genre: Dance
Country: France
Language: English
Length in minutes: 5′
YEAR: 2022