
“Daily” features Violette, a young woman, in her morning daily life; her morning routine. Represented by moments of life and gestures; which she does and repeats every day.
With her “I don’t care” style , Violette goes against this routine with a cheerful and casual attitude, in order to avoid falling into a certain weariness.
It is in this spirit that the different jewels are put forward, in a design and mineral universe.

Credits / Collaborators / Cast

starring_ @valerianelemoi

director_ Vincent Groen
dp_ Julie Chevailler
stylist_ Marine Penet
muha_ Juliette Foucque
music_ Antoine Boucherikha
color grading_ Olha Kriukova


Genre: Mode
Country: France
Language: French
Length in minutes: 1 min 37
YEAR: 2020