Tan Yuda with Tama had to complete a mission in the town of Deutroit by destroying the mafia named Tara but who was actually a real enemy is not Tara but Miya and Jena, they are an international class Mafia who almost mastered all of Macao’s place where the great Miya.

Credits / Collaborators / Cast

Cessna Aria
Marcellino Anthony
Christin Marcellin Young
Joshua Tipka
Petra Putra Fajar
Monica Ratna Fatmawati
Andrian Tirta
Jessica Natalia
Deline Atfanti Putri
Asha Kamangat
Cindy Retnaningtyasti


Genre: Crime / Action
Country: Indonesia
Language: Indonesian
Length in minutes: 49:28
YEAR: 2019