Blending is a story about the self realization of ego’s part in a Lieutenant’s fading life. After choosing his successor, he struggles with the instinct of admiration, insecurity and territoriality caused by the presence of his perfect updated reflection.
Credits / Collaborators / Cast
director Steve Bruno
executive producer Chico Pedreira . Francesco Civita . Sthefano Duque
produced by Bruna Fernandes . Steve Bruno
director of photography Vitor Bossa . Nestor Grun
3D cinematography Matheus Leston
production designer Manola Moura . Edu “Crox” Kissajikian
still photography Luiz Maudonnet . Anna Augusto
assistant director Ariela Hertel
line producer Maria Eça . Hugo Castello Branco
voice over written by Idel Tabakov
voice over actor Luis Aspe
wardrobe Maria Luiza Costa
make up Dani X Ribeiro
electrician Rodolfo Amaro
grip assistant Paulo Ricardo
superman on set Adjacir Oliveira “Jedai”
lieutenant Augusto Zauppa
soldier Vitor Lodi
co-production Runner Films
co-production Kambo-T
partnership V-Unit
post production coordinator Priscila Paduano
post production assistant coordinator Leticia Harumi
post supervisor Lucas Silva Campos . Luan Luiz
editor Steve Bruno . Lucas “Mogi” Cainã . Marcela Ilha Bordin . Lucas Moesch
color grading Lucas Silva Campos
graphic design Mateus Acioli
motion designer Thiago Siebra . Diego Brito
VFX studio globetrotter Studio
VFX executive producer / supervisor Andre Pulcino
VFX supervisor / compositor Gustavo Samelo
VFX compositor Diogo de Moura Modesto
3D animation and FX: Fabio Fernandes, José Mauro Lobão, João Paulo Schimidt
technical director Guido Gallo
audio production company Mr.Pink Music
music composer Henrique Rácz and Gabriel Mielnik
sound designer Edilson Martins
dialogue editor Vitor Santos
scan and processing Cinelab London
film stock Kodak
The story behind the film
This project represents the melt down of old, primitive, egoistic behavior, portraying the instinct of admiration, insecurity and territoriality as a destructive standard. The falling of ego in a world that needs to be collective and no longer has time to sustain what came before.
Two separate solid objects melt and become one single blended liquid.
It’s a low budget project that was shot on film and have the addition of some 3D techniques, such as photogrammetry and kinect capture camera.
Genre: Drama / Experimental
Country: Brazil
Language: English
Length in minutes: 5:47
YEAR: 2022